Saturday, September 12, 2015

Marketing is like food to small business owners!

Marketing is like food to all business owners without it they don’t survive. Throughout the last decade businesses have come and gone. But I ask myself why do some stick around more than others? Is it luck? Some may say its luck and they might be right. But all LUCK? I highly doubt that especially for businesses that survive for such a long period of time. For a business to survive one needs to know how to market themselves whether it is traditional, gorilla or Social Media Marketing. In order to get your name out their business owners need to market themselves to acquire new customers; or to keep their current customers up to date.  You need to create compelling content to grasp the attention of your audience.  Small business owners need to take advantage of online social media marketing.  Why? Because it’s a free platform to promote your product or services.

So go eat. Market Your Business and make yourself relevant in the world we live in today.

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